Originally Posted by jgw
On a different thought. I wonder why china isn't giving everybody a vaccination. I know, theirs wasn't very good but, by now, I suspect they have the capacity to produce one that will actually work?

Seems that would be a lot easier than, literally, shutting down all of china?

I'm not so sure that they do have the ability to produce "another" one that will actually work.
Why? Because in an environment like modern day China, not all that much has changed since 1949, at least not as far as the unwillingness to inform Premiere Xi that something done on his watch is less than satisfactory.
In other words, I suspect no one wants to be the one to tell Xi that his original Sinovax isn't very effective.
And thus Sinovax is officially "the best COVID vaccine ever invented and has 100% effectiveness against anything Xi says it does."

Authoritarian despots aren't fond of do overs.

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