Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
a bottle of Prednisone

Probably saved your life. One of the keys to successful treatment is NOT to give steroids early on, because they decrease immune response and that can make an infection worse.
For most everybody under 70 and with no comorbidities, a fourth shot is unnecessary.

I'm going to be 65 in a few days, and my list of comorbidities is Type 2 diabetes, COPD, 35 lbs overweight and fatty liver.
So I WILL be seeking out that second booster and so will everyone else in Hacienda del Haas.

Know WHY I threw out the Prednisone? Because it felt way too much like being high on crack cocaine, that's why.
I put down the crack pipe twenty-seven years ago, and feeling that overcranked hyperactive crap scared the bejeezus out of me.

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