Interesting paper on TWIV 902: Some geneticists were looking for particular genes or immunological anomalies that made people more susceptible to serious Covid. They discovered that a fraction of the general population has auto-immune antibodies against certain of their own interferons. Those people had a 188-fold likelihood of serious or lethal Covid if they were under age 70. If they were over 70, that risk was still unchanged but other comorbidities surpassed it. This doesn't seem to hurt them unless they contract a SARS-COV2 infection. And just to be sure the antibodies were not caused by the infection, they looked at samples from before the pandemic: Same percentage had the antibodies. That risk is huge: That means that 187 out of 188 people under age 70 who died or got severe Covid had this condition!

So now we know why some otherwise healthy young and middle-aged people get serious Covid or die, even though they have no identified co-morbidities. This is actually one of the highest co-morbidities and nobody knew about it. Good news: It is possible to test people for it, and it may be possible to treat the condition.

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