Trump boldly assassinated that Iranian general in broad daylight!

In the day-to-day business of running the government, a certain amount of stuff gets done that helps different demographics. Trump never aimed to do anyone but himself any good.

That's what it's about.

Republicans, en masse, are butthurt because their cult hero lost his bid for reelection.

Remember how we felt when Hillary lost?

She was no hero to us, she wasn't embraced by any extremist groups or lunatic fringe inhabitants. We didn't even like her very much.

They really deeply loved and believed in this guy and they really became cult-like in their devotion to him.

Now just imagine how those mother*****s felt when the news came in.


Imagine you can hear them wailing...imagine their tear-soaked pillows...their rage...

That always makes me feel better.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...