I have been saying, for years, that the Dems have to sit down and all agree on messaging. They just can't seem to do even that much. I have watched a woman who has been a senator for 30 years not even bother to go after her opponent until the very end and she just might lose. That's only one of them that just couldn't bring themselves to go after their opponent, until the very end. I think that the very end is not particularly bright.

The Republicans are wide open to attack but most Dems just will not do that. My fear is that their inability to do that will lose them their elections. Biden is the same, he has spent a lot of time talking about what he has done but rarely does he mention little things like the Republicans not having any solutions at all. It just goes on and on.

You are basing your thought on the election on logic and good sense. I base mine on a so-called political party that just can't seem to fight for itself. The Republicans, however, stick to their messages and they convince others.

Now, I think, we get to reap the rewards.............