Originally Posted by pdx rick
Even though the account was closed with Navient on February 27, 2023, Navient just reported the account closed this past week in April 2023, backdating to the March 3, 2023 statement date.

The highest balance Navient is reporting is the original $29,500.00, not the payoff amount of $129,541.77.

That would make it seem that it took me 29 years to pay off a $29,500.00 loan. Navient needs to report the true highest balance as the true and correct highest balance.

Companies like Navient never cease to think of new and clever ways to screw people over. It's just amazing - and not in a good way.
I filed a complaint against Navient with the Consumer Financial Protection Agency this morning. Republicans are trying to defund the CFPB. Navient has never corrected the high balance to be $129,541.77 to the credit reporting agencies - they're still reporting the balance of $29,500.00.

The CFPB has the ability to fine and sue companies that are egregious to consumers. No wonder the Republicans want the CFPB to be defunded.

Contrarian, extraordinaire