Jeffery, I’m positive there’s not a single person on this site that wants Trump to win the next presidential election. It isn’t anyone on this site that you have to worry about. But when you look at all of America outside of this site that’s may be a different story. Going over a myriad of polls and articles especially those polls which gives the option of third party or other category, will not vote and undecided, what they show, making this simple, around a third of voters in Trump’s corner, a third or so in Biden’s corner and a third that don’t want neither one to become the next president stating they’ll vote third party or not vote at all. It’s this later third that will decide the election.

For them this isn’t a binary or a zero-sum election between Biden and Trump. They have other options such as voting third party which many will or just staying home and not voting because they dislike and don’t want neither major party’s candidate to be the next president. I think it’s high past time for everyone to start listening to what most Americans want or don’t want when it comes to next year’s election. Perhaps it way too late for that. Regardless, as I said before, I think Trump sitting in a courtroom as the defendant in a criminal trial or two will be the deciding factor.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.