You were right, in the good old days. Now we may have another chance, with a LOT more information! Jack Smith, the guy going after Trump for the feds, is, exactly doing the right thing right now. He is trying to get the Supremes to do their job on Trump and skip all the other stuff in the middle. That is an excellent start and makes great sense as the Supremes will end up with everything anyway. If he gets that one there is no reason that he can't also get the main one dealt with as well, thereby skipping, again, all the stuff Trump does to stretch it and then forgive himself when he becomes president (seems his chances of becoming president might be good). If he actually gets convicted, especially for going against the constitution a whole new deal will appear. Right now, I think, its being discounted and that will continue until he is actually convicted.

I am, incidentally, assuming that they have Trump to rights.

I also suspect that his chances might decline if the Democrats wake up, smell the roses, and start to fight back. So far such is few and far between. They just don't seem to be getting it.

Should, I guess, also mention that the Supremes are kinda in a mess due to their own greed and not give a damn. This whole thing will change that if they actually agree to go after Trump right now! Then, of course, the real question is going to be which indictment will be acted upon first (there are a LOT of indictments!). On the other hand they might not go after Trump, thereby giving Trump enough time deal with all his problems. If they do that they are going to be in a pile of pain I suspect.

I also wonder, if Trump becomes president can, he only save himself from federal stuff or can he also free himself from those indictments from states.

Last edited by jgw; 12/12/23 08:53 PM. Reason: missed something....