Maybe a reality check or two? How many democracy loving Americans do you think there are. On average 45% of all Americans never bother to vote in a presidential election. That increases to 60% who don’t vote in the midterms and in local elections not held with the presidential or midterms elections, around 80% never vote. Last school board election along with splosh tax approval in July here, voter turnout was 14%. If one doesn’t even bother to vote, would you classify them as democracy loving Americans? Perhaps most Americans take democracy for granted?

As for “Trump is out to destroy democracy,” many folks out there who do pay some if any attention to politics take this as a democratic party and Biden’s reelection campaign slogan, a vote for me slogan. Another negative campaign political ad or something akin to that. People have become use to negative political campaigns ads, negative personal attacks, they take them in stride, pay little if any attention to them. Our elections are saturated with negative ads. About the only people this is resonating with is politically active democrats who dislike Trump.

Perhaps this general lack of attention to politics and most Americans non-active roles in politics to include voting is why Trump is leading Biden in the polls today. People going by whether they like a candidate or not, not what each stand for? It’s a fact most Americans dislike and don’t want neither Biden nor Trump as their next president.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.