How about this. A group is created that studies politicians and how much they lie. There would have to be some rules setup and some way to determine just how much a specific politician lies. For instance, years ago, when Trump was starting out and a newspaper took on a job of defining lies of trump. I think they stopped getting that one straight on something like the 8 thousand Trump lies were defined and they just gave it up. Anyway, the group would need some definitions. They would have to have a set rule about liars and the lies they tell. Some will probably not be aware lies just something said which was not true but thought to be. You know, stuff like that. Anybody could state their thought on specific lies or a politician's specific lies. If such a group was created and it worked then the media might, over time, start to report the group's efforts.

I also know this is not going to happen. I suspect the problem is Trump who, obviously, lies. He does it all the time, he doesn't care if he is right or wrong because he knows two things. The White Christians have decided, in their infinite wisdom, that Trump doesn't lie, What he does is explain his truth which has very little to do with facts. I actually belive that Trump actually believes much of the nonsense he spouts. Those that follow Trump do not exist in real reality so much as 'their' reality which they learned from their lord and master Trump. They are happy there and, apparently they find if a comfy place for them. Its really a very strange place. My original thought about a group that might define political lying just will not work because there is a large group which has decided that living outside of real truth is the way it should be. I could keep talking about this but why. Why bother? Everybody understands what is going on, even those who adore Trump.

We live in very strange times.