The American electorate is (my unscientific analysis, and I think I am somewhat generous) about 60% ignorant and stupid, the other 40% is divided among parties and independents who ARE at least somewhat knowledgeable of the issues.

So what drives people to make uninformed decisions? Well any number of things, but I want to address one of the more important and palpable ones, perception. As an example, when people compare the statistics (black and white, fixed, and without subjectivity), they would see Pres Biden has overseen relatively good economic times, and yet people think (perceive) Trump had a better economy. Can good PR work persuade people to acknowledge the fact? I don't know. I think it is hard when dealing with ignorance and stupidity, remember perception, these people perceived something and continue to believe it regardless if it is true or valid.

So this is the header to the actual question. If Pres Biden is seen by a large number of people (based on polling) as in cognitive decline or incapacity, should he remain the party candidate? Trump's cognitive abilities is a different issue. I only mention it as the "perception" is becoming a problem.

I have concluded he should either resign or drop his candidacy very soon. If the perception is large enough among independents, it could very easily swing the election to Trump. Remember it will only take low numbers of people in the swing states to determine this election. I see a plus for Pres Biden as his sacrifice would be, could be, viewed as one of the most noble gifts to a country, to allow someone who has a better chance of defeating the anti-Democratic forces championed by Trump. A sacrifice bigger than any one person.

His legacy would highlight his selflessness to save Democracy.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!