True Rick, but perceptions either drives voters to the polls as in 2020 or away from the polls as in 2016. Before Biden can continue to govern, he first must be reelected. Perceptions of the candidates drives how voters vote or whether they do or do not vote. Questions abound about both major party candidates, from an Emerson poll.

Voters were asked if President Biden’s age raises serious doubts about voting for him in 2024, and separately if former President Donald Trump’s criminal indictments raise serious concerns about voting for him. Voters are nearly equally concerned: 58% say Biden’s age raises serious doubts in their minds about voting for the president and 42% say it is not a serious consideration of theirs, while 57% say Trump’s criminal indictments raise serious doubts in the mind about voting for Trump and 43% say it is not a serious consideration of theirs.

Among independent voters, 54% say Biden’s age raises serious doubts for them, while 61% say Trump’s criminal indictment raises serious doubts.
Within the candidates’ own parties, 45% of Democrats say Biden’s age raises doubts, while 30% of Republicans say the same of Trump’s indictments.

Although I think, believe Biden will prevail over Trump, out there in the real world of politics, outside of the Democratic Party cocoon there are definite worries about Biden. I don’t think nothing can be done to quell those worries. It is what it is. Biden isn’t getting any younger. Biden was a very acceptable alternative to Trump in 2020. 23 million more voters went to the polls in 2020 than in 2016. Voter turnout for 2016, 54% using VAP, 62% in 2020. Biden won those new voters 64-32 over Trump. The question is will those voters go to the polls in 2024 or stay home as they did in 2016?

One last thing, in 2020 there was enthusiasm for Biden to get rid of Trump. That may not be the case for 2024 when most Americans don’t want either one to be their next president - The enthusiasm gap shadowing Biden

Take this for what’s it worth. It’s early, things can change, but I doubt it. Those worries will still be there in November, for both major party candidates. It is what it is and I think it’s time to recognize what is.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.