The Trump thing is strange to mi. I remember when he started up and it was strange even then. He has a history of failure. Virtually EVERYTHING he has ever touched has failed. There is, literally, virtually nothing he has started has not failed. The ONLY thing he has done well at is politics. He is doing well at politics because he can use the things he learned when he was in entertainment and the simple fact that the media gifted him with, again literally, exposure. They are, incidentally, still doing it although they have backed a little bit.

As I watch it all I have started to believe that our government is doing a seriously pitiful job of taking care of our so-called civilization. Ours is considerably different from most but there are serious people trying to change that one. There is a group, referred to as the "White Christian Citizens" which spent close to 60 years taking over the Republican party. They are, as far as I can tell, pretty much in charge. They are also now making very strange announcements. One recently pointed out that they were getting very close to getting rid of all this stuff that the Democrats think were so great. I watched a woman give a speech about turning the United States of America as a christian state ruled by themselves. I could list the list but why bother? The fact is that they bravely point out that our Constitution is old, tired and should go (amongst others) What makes it pretty interesting is that they get away with it and nobody says or does anything.

I watch TV quite a bit. When watching things politic those that favor the Democrats always spend a little time pointing out that Biden is simply, and basically, not telling anybody anything that will help him beat Trump. I see it every day and nothing changes! Today I noticed that he wants to give Israel more bombs to slaughter more civilians who's main sin is living in the land they have always had and that the UK and the UNITED STATES, stole from them so they would stop killing people in the UK. Recently Israel has backed off on the slaughter in favor of starving them out. This is costing him a lot of votes but, being the president, he has a right to just keep on with spending my taxes to make sure that the loon running Israel can keep it up. That one, incidentally, is kinda a minor Trump in that apparently he has been committed to prison for breaking laws but is also in charge and as long as he is in charge he doesn't have to goto prison. He is, basically, where we might be when Trump takes off. Its almost interesting that the man running Israel is, pretty much, like our own Trump. Each has their way but the basics are the same. Both are also proud of their actions. Sometimes I wonder just where Biden stands. He rarely stands up and says anything and when he does, its rarely something that might help himself. The man is a little like a child which has parents who are lousy parents and don't pay attention. The Democrats have the money, the capacity and everything else but the will to actually win an election. I think most of us want him to win but he is, simply, not giving a damn and doing what he pleases - again like a child with bad parent. I used to write him. Unlike my elected he never replies although my elected, whilst not covering the subject I wrote about they always ask for money thereby, at least, responding.

I have become convinced that the United States has a huge percentage of its population determined to behave as idiots. The biggest killer of our children are guns. Our response is clever, we make damned sure that everybody who wants one gets one. We do that because of our constitution which doesn't have one single word that supports our support of guns. We live in a VERY strange world. I wish us all the luck. If Trump wins my wife and I are trying to figure out whether we will goto Canada or Mexico. That being said, he should not win but given that we seem to have cleverly worked the miracle of stupidifying a good part of our population everything becomes possible?

I wish us all luck and really do hope that I am flat out wrong..............