If I was religious I would be praying for Biden. I have been listening to the polls and, for the most part, they have been not nice to Biden. My main problem with Biden is that he is not consistent when he is, or is not, talking to the public. The Dems, we are told, have big bucks so maybe they can start at least trying?

Then you have to also think about the media. They really do give more exposure to Trump because more listen to him entertain them (I actually believe that's the reason for a lot of his attention). Doug Thompson spends a lot of time basically wondering why in the hell anybody would vote for Trump. I too have the same questions. Trump is a man who gifted a newspaper with something like over 30,000 lies before they just gave up the count! To support the jerk just makes no sense - NONE! I have a serious question about the mental state of all those that support him. It gets even better when you think about how many of those are religious and supporting a rapist, a thief, a liar, and a cheat! I have seen interviews wherein people explain that they just love him even though all those things are absolutely true and they know it. I am coming to the conclusion that there is a really big portion of the United States that are seriously ill in the head! They are not stupid they are ill! My own thought is that the mentally challenged are supporting somebody else that is also challenged. This is not a joke! Its a fact!

Then there is the fact that Trump was once an entertainer on tv and I also believe that the base were watchers of that show. We watched one season and gave it up but others have never given up. Now, on top of that we now have the white christian citizens (white has to do with their souls and not skin color). These are particularly offensive but they love Trump and actually believe that he is a gift from the Lord. (more crazy!)

So, for me, I am hoping that there are enough voters, who are not mentally challenged, around that will vote for Biden. It doesn't hurt when they are voting against Trump I just want them sane and voting for Biden. I just bought two Tickets to win the big bucks. I think that Biden has a better chance to win than I, but I try. I also married a woman who worked her way through the UofW working for the Democrats and you might have a guess as to what I hear, every day, all day. I really want this to end, and end well. If for no other reason than my own sanity (and the welfare of the entire nation).

Tonight he gives his speech. I hope its great! Up to this point I have not felt that he actually wants to win. I wrote him a month or so about the Israel thing and the monster killing the Palestinians. That's been going on for years as the monster wants them all gone. They have been stealing Palestinian land and other things for years. Biden has been told "NO" for weeks and did nothing but make more people not vote for him. Biden just continues to back the Jews, and continues to send them bombs to slaughter Palestinians (not quite true) even though its costing him big-time.

Unlike Trump Biden can also actually tell the truth. So far he has given little talks here and there and is almost keeping secrets. If the guy wasn't running he would go down as one of the great presidents right now. He has done miracles! Its almost as if he is embarrassed about his successes. Its REALLY time for him to seriously go at it, tooth and tong. Lord knows, there is enough to attack with! The real problem is that the opposition seems, to me, to not be mentally well. (and the Dems have the money to get the job done!!)

Oh, one last. Trump thinks that Putin is his pal. If he wins then Putin is going to start conquest. He might even start using nukes He seems to mention them a lot. In any case we are REALLY going to have problems. In Europe they are already starting to get ready, especially since they have lost faith in us and understand what may be starting. We were doing great when we were helping to keep him stopped but if Trump wins I am seriously wondering about our own safety with a jackass for president. Then there is our federal legislature. They haven't the capacity to do anything (I am praying We can take the whole works as there are some real loons there which actually reflect many of the voting loons and they simply don't have the capacity to do their jobs)

My apologies, I just looked at this one. Didn't mean to overstay. Venting slowed my mind.
