Interesting year, Clinton outspent Trump by almost a 2-1 margin and still lost. That may say more about Clinton than Trump
I disagree.

I believe it was common for many pundits to opine that Trump received maybe as much as $1B in "free" advertising from mainstream media. In my opinion, MSM was hellbent on exposing Trump as the most unfit person to ever run for the WH, and while they did in fact expose him, it didn't matter a scintilla to the people who supported him and many low information voters. So to simply say he was outspent is a little bit misleading, in light of the "free" advertising he received.

And of course, despite what you believe the polls said, the Comey effect was not just tangible, it was palpable.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!