At the risk of upsetting -

The congress didn't convict and he hasn't been convicted in court. That being the case he is not an insurrectionist - sorry...........

I was going to rant and rave. Why bother? Stuff seems to be getting just worse and worse and there is no solving anything. I can easily list a huge list of things that are wrong but everybody pretty much knows about that. There is really only one huge problem from our side. Something close to half the population seems to be dedicated to lies, simple lies!!

All we have to do is to explain these lies and, all being grownups, those folks will all change their minds.

Gosh, that seems pretty easy - any thoughts why not?

However, if we fail, there will be ww3. The current Russian will have the support of the United States of America and I don't believe them that believe the lies give a damn!

Wow! Kinda makes one wonder.............