Originally Posted by rporter314
I think the notion she wouldn't appear on the propaganda networks because she was an oblivious campaigner, I believe is based rather on the fact those networks ask ridiculous questions ... when did she stop being a communist, vis a vis reality based questions.

But she also refused to even show up on historically Dem friendly late night shows!
Sorry but THAT was just plain flat out "STOO-PID".
Jon Stewart, Bill Maher, Stephen Colbert, Rachel Maddow, or even (gasp! shudder!) Keith Olbermann.
She wouldn't grant interviews with Rolling Stone, she didn't let hardly anyone interview her.

Hillary practiced what she practices best:
It is the exact same arrogance that landed her in the tank for the emails situation which, for those who aren't aware, happened because Hillary shares one thing in common with Trump, ignorance and hostility toward new technology. She refused to give up her Blackberry and when the government declared they were no longer capable of handling federal security requirements, what does she do? She angrily picks up the phone and demands her own private server, rather than LEARN HOW to operate a new phone fer chrissakes.

Her defeat was largely of her own making, it was her election to lose and she lost it because of her arrogance.

"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD