This is why I ask the VA. If there was something they would tell me and if there is no such thing they tell me that too. I see the VA more often then I see a doctor so its easier. I don't expect a 'yes' but its something that would REALLY make me happy if there was something like that. Right now, as far as I can tell, its ALL snake oil. I know several people that have tried this and that and say it helps. Most of them, however, are having the same trouble they were having before they were taking the pill. As far as I am concerned that's ok. Those folks REALLY wanted something to work and convinced themselves of that one. Its kinda sad but I keep my mouth shut as they are also happier. I think of those things as wishful thinking fulfilled.

Again - there is a LOT of work being done on this one and I choose/hope something will eventually come along. Really sick and tired of not being able to say 'door' instead of "that thing in front of me with a handle, etc" (speech aphasia - part of it all) and that, for those who don't understand it all, is just a small part of it all.