As I watch tv and tv ads some of it is kinda interesting. One that I really do not understand is why Trump can make such a big deal out of the southern border after he stopped the house from passing their own bill which took care of the southern border. I have been keeping track of what I have seen about trump, the border, etc. and, so far, its been two weeks since I heard that Trump stopped the passing of their own bill on the border. One would think that SOMEBODY would say something about that???

This is, I suspect, the media giving Trump more time, lying and all the rest, without once, either on the political shows or advertisements, something pointing out that the Southern border thing is the fault of TRUMP!!! If the Dems really cared they would have a small add after every Trump media givaway pointing out the lie and what he did.

I know, not gonna happen, Dems just don't do mean things like that!