There is more going on in Palestine than the folks who tried to blow up Israel. How about the simple fact that Israel is taking Palestinian Homes. I read that the Jews of Palestine own all the land of Palestine because Rome took over Palestine several centuries ago. I do not think that is right nor do I think that there is anything legal about that. Anyway, Israel has been mis-treating Palestineans for a very long time and stealing their homes is just part of it. I should add that I am not anti jew, and don't really care about anybody's religion unless it causes me problems. I'm kinda old and, so far, I have never found somebody's religion to be effecting me and so its none of my business.

Its interesting. With all of the American-Israel-Palestine stuff going on. and all what's being said and reported this one is kinda ignored. The current problems, I suspect, have certainly caused some pretty bad blood between Israel and the Palestinians. That is especially true give that Israel has been slaughtering Palestinians with a will.

I was watching Netanyahu before anything happened and the man was REALLY down on the Palestinians. I read that then have been Israelis teenagers, that go into Palestinian areas to beat up, and sometimes kill Palestinians for pleasure! I have no idea if that is true but it has been reported. Anyway, there seems to me that this kind of behavior should be better reported.

Google "israel taking Palestinian homes" and read a bit about how Palestinians have been treated. Kinda interesting..........

I, for one, think that the Palestinians deserve to have there own country too.