Rporter, what these polls and articles are doing is letting us know how all Americans think, feel, want, etc. I used to do election forecasts, it was important in coming up with those forecasts to have all the information that is available whether one agrees with it or not. I’m still the same way. I want to know what all Americans of all stripes are thinking, wanting. The problem is most polls just gives you numbers, not the reasons behind those numbers. Then we get into opinions as to why.

Now you know why all this talk, rhetoric about Trump destroying democracy from the democrats isn’t taking hold, it’s not working, it’s not drawing any voters to Biden or away from Trump or some other candidate or even the undecided which there are but a few. It’s time to change tactics, to throw that destroy democracy rhetoric out the window even if one believes it and fears that it is true. The idea, the goal here is to win an election, to defeat Trump.

If I was advising Biden campaign team, I’d tell them to stop bashing Trump. To begin highlighting Biden accomplishments as president which he has a lot. To go positive for a while. Folks here on this site know what Biden has accomplished, but out there among the masses, most don’t. Remember, most Americans aren’t political junkies. Most aren’t even following the presidential race. Then I’d let Trump be Trump. Let Trump defeat Trump. I think most Americans have tired of all the negative personal attack ads, they’ve come to expect them, to ignore them. What I’m saying is give the people a reason to vote for Biden, not just against Trump. Let Trump provide the reasons for voting against him. Sounds crazy, probably is. But knowledge of what people are thinking, wanting, feeling can be used in a successful positive campaign. That would be something we haven’t seen since Reagan. Reagan used a positive campaign and won two landslide victories. Bush Sr. started with the negative campaign in 1988 which worked, every candidate since has used negative personal attacks against their opponents.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.