Rporter, I don’t know why 62% of all Americans think democrats stating Trump is a threat to democracy is nothing more than scare tactics to stop them from voting for Trump. I can, however, take an educated guess. Over the last 2-3 decades both major parties have basically run nothing but personal political negative attack ads during an election campaign season. Probably most Americans have become numb to them, taking them as nothing more than a vote for my candidate as the opposing candidate is the evilest scumbag on the face of the earth. It’s both parties trying to get the voter to hate their opponent more than they hate yours. Most just shrug at all of this talk, they don’t take it seriously. Just another normal negative personal attack during an election season.

After 20-30 years of this, running all these negative personal political attacks ads, who’s going to believe them? Most are just chalking Trump is a threat to democracy up to a scare tactic to get them to vote for Biden. What’s more interesting is you have roughly the same percentage of all Americans who believe Biden is as much a threat to democracy as Trump is.

To this question - CBS News Poll – February 28 - March 1, 2024 Adults in the U.S. Question 49. U.S. Democracy and Rule of Law Do you think U.S. democracy and rule of law will be safe...Broken down by all adults and via party.
Only if Biden wins All 34%, 70% of democrats, 27% of independents, 3% of Republicans
Only if Trump wins All 33%, 4% of democrats, 31% of independents, 67% of Republicans
It will be safe if either wins All 13%, 12% of democrats, 15% of independents, 13% of republicans
It will not be safe either way or regardless of who wins All 20%, 14% of democrats, 27% of independents, 13% of republicans.


It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.