Trump wins and why polling doesn't matter.

Implicit in a polling regime to comprehend voter opinions, is all voting sites are equally fair and free from obvious voter impersonation fraud. But that is not the case. So let's examine my argument.

This election much as the previous general election will be putatively determined by just a few votes in a few so-called battleground states. One of the seminal Republican stratagems has been to disenfranchise predominantly Democrat voter blocks. This corrupt practice has become forefront in this stratagem by Red State laws which, with laser focus, single out Democrat blocks for "legal" disenfranchisement, under the guise of making the voting process more secure. Since the result of the election will be determined by just a few votes, it doesn't take many "legal" impediments to keep a sufficient umber of Democrats from voting to swing an election.

Further, Republicans have adopted one of the most repugnant plans, reminiscent of KKK tactics to not just disenfranchise voters but to intimidate them while trying to vote. Their plan is to target people of color. This is the same plan True the Vote uses to intimidate black people in Texas not to vote. True the Vote is also the racist organization which provided Dinesh with non existent evidence of fraud, which formed the basis of his movie, 2000 Mules. Republicans are willing to plumb the depths of depravity to win an election.

If that were not enough, Republicans have in place the infrastructure which can guarantee a Trump win regardless if he actually wins. At local and state levels they have election boards and partisan overseers to ensure they win by throwing out votes. One of the more egregious methods is to throw out mail-in ballots which do not have an exact signature match to voter registration card. The assumption is this will throw out Democrat votes (and Republican votes) but same day turn out by Republicans would make up the difference. Every loss of Democrat votes help ensure a Republican win, when the voting is close.

And finally we have an ultra- conservative Speaker of the House who has already been complicit in attempting to overthrow one election. Should certification come down to procedural issues of MAGA representatives objecting to certification, Rep Mike Johnson would simply intervene and guide the process into the House, where Republicans would anoint Trump the winner.

People say it can't happen in America, but we have already seen what Trump has done and he has already indicated he will not concede this election, especially now that he has his loyal soldiers in place.

Polls!!! .... who needs polls when you rig an election.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!