For a few years now people have been suggesting that I give Patricia Highsmith a try. So I have. The Cry of the Owl was quite readable, but not at all what I expected. I had figured she was a pretty regular murder mystery writer. Judging from this book, she's not. Yes, there's a murder—but it's of a minor character and pretty close to the end of the book. A major character does commit suicide—but, like the murder, the plot is pretty far along before that happens. My thought is that her appeal lies in the psychology of her characters, and for that reason I'll give another of her books a try—although I'm far from blown away.

A question to other mystery readers out there: Have any of you run into Patricia Highsmith's work? What's your opinion?

Currently reading: Best American Mystery Stories edited by Lee Child and Otto Penzler. AARGH!