My husband read "T is for Trespass" and also "One Mississippi." He really, really enjoyed "T," but he confessed that it disturbed him as much as I confessed it disturbed me. He said he can read about nuclear disasters all day and they just don't have the personal impact of the mistreatment of the helpless. "Miss'ippi," he said he 'sped read....but enjoyed a great deal.

He is tonight staying with my daughter and the newborn. (S-O-B-S-I-L had to go back to work on a 12-hour shift from 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM.) I STRONGLY ENCOURAGED BMama, (BM if you abbreviate) to do this. He never before felt the compulsion but I, let us say, encouraged him). Martha.....somewhere maybe you understand.....I feel joy and sadness.


Where ever you go, there you are!