Quite often, after Aldrich discusses horrible, job-related, security things the Clinton administration kept him from doing, he attempts to sum up the new folk in the White House.

Martha, I read the Adrich book when it first came out. I knew it was biased and meant to "shock and awe."

I don't remember the negative comments about Chelsea. Some of the claims of Aldrich have been substantiated: "Hillary having such a bad temper. Hillary throwing a White House lamp at Bill."

The Clinton's scorn of the protocols necessary to protect government classified information was noted in the book, and has been proven several times; once right after the election when some of their "wonks" visited Redstone Arsenal and were angered that they were not given unlimited access.

I know a lot of information is "classified" in order to keep it out of the public eye. I worked in the field. I know. BUT, I also know that dates of tests, dealings with programs in cooperation with Israel -- these sorts of things don't need to be revealed without "vetting" who sees it. Who was that jerk that tried to take out classified information in his underwear briefs? Enough verification for me.

What has never been verified was Aldrich's claim that one of the White House Christmas trees had drug paraphenilia (sp) hanging as ornaments. I know I'm shallow, but I'd love to hear more about THAT. Maybe, just maybe the Clinton's had those bubbling lights on the tree and Aldrich thought they were bongs!!!

Was that the book where they said the Clinton's actually got on the historic beds and jumped up and down?

I felt like washing my hands after reading the book, but I also didn't feel enough respect of Bill and Hillary to have them send my mother a 90th birthday greeting as I had done when Reagan was in office for my father.

Time will tell if he was a good President. I don't think he was a good man.


Where ever you go, there you are!