Originally Posted by Joe Keegan
Originally Posted by numan
So, is the U.S. Constitution an adequate protection against tyranny?

What would you replace it with to keep us safe from tyranny?

This would be a multi-step process of course.

1) eliminate corporate personhood and return to the days when it was a felony for a corporation to contribute to political campaigns.

2) implement 100% public financing of elections

3) Admend the constitution to eliminate the power of the executive branch and substitute it with a "figurehead" type of leadership position that essentially has no power (similar to the royal family in England) but who serves as a US representative for world affairs

4) eliminate the electoral college

5) implement mandatory term limits

6) Admend the constitution to change to a parliamentary government with proportional representation and instant runoff voting.

7) Create and implement "citizen" review boards who have broad oversight powers including supoena power and the right to dismiss any elected official or employee of all governmental regulatory agencies.

8) Tranform from a global capitalist economy to one that adheres to the 100 mile rule for the use of resources and creates local sustainable permaculture communities who govern themselves outside of federal mandates as long as they are constitutional.

9) Overhaul and eliminate much of the framework of the prison industrial complex and release all political prisoners and then switch to community and national service hours as punishment for all non-violent crimes.

10) Overhaul the justice system to insure that everyone has the same level of legal representation regardless of ability to pay.

11) Make all of the necessities of life (health care, energy, water, food) publicly controlled and decentralized.

We could then keep much of the framework of the original constitution and bill of rights minus the above admendments.