Has anybody read Chris Buckley's Supreme Courtship? I'm listening to an interview right now. It's a novel about a President who, in frustration, appoints a "bespectacled tv hottie" to the Supreme Court.

Given that the novel was finished in January and Buckley is on book tour now it's interesting to see how reality has turned out.

The book, however, goes further. The aforsaid tv hottie's tv job was judge over a tv courtroom. As she goes to Washington, her husband gets a great role on another tv show - playing the president of the United States.

The novel is said to explore the ways that tv and reality have now merged. The interview has been really interesting. Not sure I want to pay hardcover price for it, but I'll put my name on the library list today.

(Wow - the book is still on order, and I'm 24th in line...)

Last edited by Mellowicious; 09/12/08 11:04 AM.

A 45’s quicker than 409
Betty’s cleaning’ house for the very last time
Betty’s bein’ bad