Just finished a most inspiring book, Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. It is the story of Greg, an American who set out in 1993 to climb K2, failed and that failure led to an amazing life of venturing on his own into the farthest northern provinces of first Pakistan and later Afghanistan to build schools where none had ever existed.

He has made it a special point to never use any government funds, never push any philosophy other than all children need education, especially the girls who were never permitted it before.

Just amazing what one person can make happen.

Three Cups of Tea website
Just got off the phone with my son. Mr. Mortenson is scheduled to talk at his college tonight in Durango, CO. Son and fiancee are planning to attend the sold-out event, as they have read (or are reading) the book. The book was also chosen as this year's Freshman "Read" with copies given out to all new freshmen.

I'll have to get a copy.