Yes, Soy Vey got a mention - although I'll admit the one bottle of their sauce I ever bought, I ended up throwing out; I just didn't care for it.

The book really is fun; it goes into the white boxes with the "thank you in 'chop suey' font," a discussion of soy sauce... It's just a fun, low-key, but informational book.

By the way -- the book opens with a story about a multi-state lottery that one day had far too many winners in far too many places. Suspecting fraud, the winning numbers were traced back to...yep. Fortunes from a Chinese fortune cookie company. Players in several states had played the numbers they found in their cookies, and it hit!

Last edited by Mellowicious; 09/19/08 03:56 PM.

A 45’s quicker than 409
Betty’s cleaning’ house for the very last time
Betty’s bein’ bad