Yes—and don’t get me wrong. I am not anti religious. Religion has done much good in the world through its many charities and well as been a great motivation in helping compose some of the most stirring music ever written. It’s not for me but I do believe it has provided much needed comfort and help for many. Most humans seem to need it and would be absolutely lost and rudderless without it.

My problem with religion is when it becomes militant and tries to impose its views and will on other people. That’s when I believe it becomes harmful and hurts (sometimes kills) other people. If religions would stick to their good side and encourage its followers to do beneficial things for both its adherents and outsiders, all would be well in my book.

But what is religion anyway? It’s a set of beliefs that can either be a tool for good or bad depending on the whims of its leaders and followers. Good religious leaders motivating their followers to do the right thing can provide good benefits for humanity. The converse is also true, unfortunately. The same can be said for political leaders.

Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.