Originally Posted by Phil Hoskins
The bitterest pill of all though comes from African Americans who voted overwhelmingly for these bans. One op-ed written by a self-described black lesbian contended it was, after all, just a white gay male issue and not a civil rights issue at all. She argued that gay white males didn’t reach out to her community to show why they should vote no on 8 (our proposition here in California).

I wrote about this very same thing last week on the other thread about a Bay Area Black minister saying this was a "gay white male issue" because gay white men have never reached out to the Black community. (Check it out - it's there, I wrote it a week ago.) Seems to me that the Black community has their "talking points memo" well rehearsed.

Blacks are so offended when gays say this is a "civil rights" issue. Blacks vehemately disagree because being gay is a "choice"; therefore, it can't be a "civil rights" issue as being born with black skin.

When the talk show host pointed out that research is leaning towards gayness as genetic, the self-described Black listener stated that homosexuality is still a "choice."

Contrarian, extraordinaire