Steve, my commentary was written as a direct response to Ms. Cannick's piece in the LA Times. I agree she is clearly not ignorant in the sense of her lacking the intelligence to think on the issue.

But she is apologizing for the behavior of voters who acted ignorantly in the sense that their viewpoint was myopic and wrong. Ms. Cannick herself expresses so many stereotypes in that piece it is breathtaking.

All white gay men are wealthy? I wish she could convince my bank account of that. All white gay men are prejudiced? Maybe she could convince my partner of that. White gay men are riding on the back of the civil rights movement? As I point out in my piece she wasn't even alive when I put my life on the line for her along with thousands of other white men and women.

No, there have always been those who were apologistas for prejudice and bigotry, but that doesn't elevate them to thinkers. They are just hiding their own prejudice behind lengthy explanations and nice sounding words.

The black community has a lot of growing up to do and it isn't helpful to paint over their own prejudices in this manner. As this columnist puts it we need a black Elton John

Life is a banquet -- and most poor suckers are starving to death -- Auntie Mame
You are born naked and everything else is drag - RuPaul