Originally Posted by stereoman
In all the post-election commentary about California's passage of Proposition 8, perhaps none was more offensive and wrong than
Originally Posted by Phil Hoskins
But when black religious leaders attack gays, which is a regular occurrence in many churches, the response is muted because, well, it's a cultural thing and we white people just wouldn't understand.
I call "bull$hit"! How does the writer know that it's a regular occurrence? How about a few examples? And with them, examples of the "muted response"?

Straw man.

Oh, and speaking of straw men. Phil, how about those quotes from Cannick's essay supporting your claim of her "breathtaking" stereotyping?

Excuse me?
Maybe white gays could afford to be singularly focused, raising millions of dollars to fight for the luxury of same-sex marriage. But blacks were walking the streets of the projects and reaching out to small businesses, gang members, convicted felons and the spectrum of an entire community to ensure that we all were able to vote.

Not stereotyping? BS.

then how about this?
Likewise, holding the occasional town-hall meeting in Leimert Park -- the one part of the black community where they now feel safe thanks to gentrification -- to tell black people how to vote on something gay isn't effective outreach either.

Where we now feel safe? Damnit, she is saying that as though it is true. I repeat, I put my life on the line for her rights probably before she was born and I didn't wait for any damn gentrification.

There's nothing a white gay person can tell me when it comes to how I as a black lesbian should talk to my community about this issue. If and when I choose to, I know how to say what needs to be said. Many black gays just haven't been convinced that this movement for marriage is about anything more than the white gays who fund it (and who, we often find, are just as racist and clueless when it comes to blacks as they claim blacks are homophobic).

Really? But a black lesbian can tell me how to act and what to say?

Cmon Steve, this woman is a racist pure and simple. And yes, I have it from many African American friends of mine who are gay and lesbian that in the pulpits of the black churches of LA the sermons demonizing gays are frequent and commonplace.

Do you have evidence to the contrary?

Life is a banquet -- and most poor suckers are starving to death -- Auntie Mame
You are born naked and everything else is drag - RuPaul