I am frankly very tired of people, either gay or straight, telling us how we should have handled this issue. If you did not participate before election day by contributing or making calls or at least sending emails or walking precincts, I say you had your chance and should now just shut the f up.

Sorry it is said so bluntly, but I am pissed. It is easy to tell us what we should do, in fact it has been going on for many years. We hear it from every corner.

I am with Jeffro on this -- I will not worry how you take what I do, it is my/our life. If you don't like it, turn your head and go live your own.

Do I want your support for my/our rights? You are damned right I do, but that is your duty as a citizen, not a gift for my/our good behavior.

Life is a banquet -- and most poor suckers are starving to death -- Auntie Mame
You are born naked and everything else is drag - RuPaul