Originally Posted by Phil Hoskins
You may get an idea of our outrage from what happened about El coyote, a long time gay friendly restaurant. In fact, we are largely responsible for their success. One of the owners was found to have contributed to Yes on 8.

El Coyote tries to explain

Phil, this is the second story like this I have read today. The first was this one http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2008/11/12/state/n111331S39.DTL

I find myself more angry than I was when I first heard the results. I am tired of being told all that we should have done, even when we did it. It all just sounds like "you should have been nicer and then we would have given you your rights". I am not alone.

I believe the gay community has finally hit a breaking point, even more so than during the AIDS crisis with groups like ACT UP. We are beyond that now and are stronger for it. I think we are going to see a lot more stories like this. We have always been perceived as docile and weak. This has radically changed. It has come in steps and they have been slow (though I never thought I would see this in my lifetime). Stonewall, Anita Bryant wink , AIDS, and now this - it is energizing, angry, sometimes childish and empowering.

I don't know how it will end, and it sometimes hurts intensely (more than I thought it could). I do have a lot of hope but it is fraught with anxiety (I feel like Gary Cooper watching the clock).

I do feel whichever way it goes, it is going to be big.

We are constantly invited to be who we are. Henry David Thoreau