The state high Court had little hesitation overturning Prop 22, which was not a Constitutional amendment. In fact, that was how the right to marry got recognized. So I am more optimistic, NWP, although I recognize that the high temperature of the issue will make a threat of removing justices a real threat.

Work has already begun on a 2010 initiative to overturn Prop 8 and the strategies adopted by the No on 8 campaign are coming under heavy attack. Best of all, they are under attack from the kind of young, educated, internet-based grass roots effort that helped Obama get elected.

It is widely acknowledged that had the gay community organized and acted with as much fervor as we are post election, things probably would have been quite different. After all, we started out plus 8 in polls at the beginning.

Key to any new ballot measure will be a better on the ground campaign that reaches out to religious and minority voters. Another round of marches and demonstrations is scheduled around the nation for this Saturday, November 15. I really have not seen the gy community this active since the early days of the AIDS epidemic.

Most of all, we have to show all California voters that this is less a gay marriage issue than one of civil rights and equality. And in the process we will come even further "out of the closet."

I am very proud of our young gay activists right now.

Life is a banquet -- and most poor suckers are starving to death -- Auntie Mame
You are born naked and everything else is drag - RuPaul