Originally Posted by california rick
Absolutely! What other dumb choices has this lady made at the ballot box?

Oh I can think of a fe"W." laugh

Whatever her reasons for voting the way she did, she has the right to do just that. You call it dumb, and she says voting "NO on 8" is dumb.

If you give the option to a person to be prejudiced towards others, that person will take that option. It is only human nature and the examples throughout the world are plenty to illustrate this point.

Because I was born in Romania, I have to live my whole life with some people making the assumption that I'm a "gypsy" and all the negative connotations that come with it.

If you want to live in a society that treats everyone equal, don't give people the option to let their prejudices become laws.

A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials. ~Chinese Proverb

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. ~Jon Hammond