Martha, my personal opinion is that the movie was good...almost great...but the book is better. But like you say, they're two different things; both enjoyable in their own form. If you haven't read it, you are missing some mighty fine writing. It's a bit of a "guy book", with some pretty intense, violent, macho scenes, but if you've seen the movie, then there shouldn't be any big surprises.

Originally Posted by humphreysmar
DELIVERANCE has been on my you-oughta-read-that list for years. Is the book A) as good as the movie, B) better than the movie, or C) comparing books and movies is pointless?

"Dueling Banjos" has haunted me for years--even when done by Andy Taylor and the Darlings.

"To the intelligent man or woman, life appears infinitely mysterious. But the stupid have an answer for every question." - Edward Abbey