Originally Posted by Phil Hoskins
...Are you saying that a Christian is to adhere to all the rules of the OT? If not, why are some to be followed but not others?
No. The OT rules and regs contained in the Levite law - 613, IIRC - are binding upon those who would call themselves Jews. However, the spirit of the law - the Ten Commandments - are, IMCO, generally considered binding upon Christians. The essence of Christian behavior should be, as Jesus taught, to love God with all your heart and to [love | treat] your neighbor as you would like your own self to be treated.

Jesus deliberately violated Levite laws, as interpreted by the Pharisees - the legalists of Jewish culture - in order to point out the hypocrisy of uncompromising literalism: That they were crossing "T"s and dotting "I"s while the real meaning of the law was buried in sterile rituals. Paul, especially in his letter to the Roman church, rails against the yoke of blind legalism.

Life should be led like a cavalry charge - Theodore Roosevelt