Originally Posted by SkyHawk
Originally Posted by Phil Hoskins
I support Sky's proposal to take the word away from everyone as far as the laws are concerned, with the proviso about equal benefits and burdens. I just can't see straight people being willing to give up the title.
Maybe the idea will catch on. Just tonight in our local paper I read the following letter to the editor:
As one who has close personal relationships with many who are homosexual as well as many who are devoutly religious, the issue of California’s Proposition 8 is of close personal interest to me. At this point, I’m wondering why someone hasn’t proposed another solution.

Why not do away with marriage as a provision of the government? As far as I can tell, “marriage” is a religious and spiritual institution — out of the realm of what a state should find it necessary to regulate. A one-size-fits-all civil contract that provides for basic property, custody, and visitation rights would be a better suit for our society. This would also provide for couples who aren’t ready to tie the knot, but would benefit from such advantages.(Sorry, no link.. I typed it in.)
Seems like a great solution to me. One civil contract for everyone. Those who want the religious "marriage" ritual can go to their favorite flavor of church/mosque/temple/wat.


I concur with this solution. Being a devout Lutheran, I could satisfy both the legal conditions and my religious convictions. Gays/Lesbians would have equality and parity. Works for me. ThumbsUp

milk and Girl Scout cookies ;-)

Save your breath-You may need it to blow up your date.