I saw Milk last night and I have to tell you - I'm pissed today - with the caveat that the movie was factually accurate.

Here's why: (Remember I was 10 years old in 1978 and I had no idea about Prop 6, Anita Bryant, Harvey Milk, John Briggs, etc)

  • Harvey Milk made Prop 6 a gay issue
  • Str8 politicians wanted to make Prop 6 a 'human rights' issue
  • The owner of The Advocate felt that 'the time wasn't right' for a Gay Rights Movement

Given the absolute parallels between Prop 6 (Firing gay teachers in 1978) and Proposition 8 in 2008 - why in the hell did openly gay politicians not fight for our rights as Harvey Milk did in 1978?

Where was Mark Leno? Carol Migden? Why weren't they fighting for us? You didn't hear a peep out of them!!!!

Then the opponents of Prop 8 people made the proposition a 'human rights' issue exactly the opposite of what Harvey Milk argued against in Prop 6 in 1978.

...and guess what? Harvey Milk was right!!!

Why didn't the older gays who lived thru this link these two issues and educate us younger gays? Why was the 'human rights' path taken and not the gay rights issue taken? Why did YOU older gays allow that to happen - you knew the history behind Prop 6!!!!!!

You can't fight bigotry as human rights issue and then go marching for gay rights!


The gay community f^cked up the fight against Prop 8 big time.

Had I known any of this - I would have advocated to fight the proposition differently.

Why didn't the older gay generation fight for gay rights instead of 'human rights' - I'm really pissed today. I feel the older gay generation - who'd already been down this road - let the gay community down.

"If" Harvey Milk were alive today - Prop 8 wouldn't have passed - I can tell you that.

A county supervisor from San Francisco took on a state legislator in a debate in Christian-right Orange County in 1978. Why didn't Mark Leno or Carol Migden fight for us?

Who are the other gay politicans who let us down in 2008? I want names, damn it!! "They" no longer deserve our votes!!

I'm also going to boycott The Advocate and Gay.com - where were they with Prop 8??

Contrarian, extraordinaire