Originally Posted by Phil Hoskins
Prop 6 came at a time when there was no notion of "gay" much less "gay rights" in the larger public conversation. Take a look at the contemporary articles at the time and what you will see is that we were primarily described as sick pedophiles who couldn't be trusted not to rape their children.

That was not present to anywhere near the same extent in this campaign and to the extent it was I do not think it made a difference. The vote for 8 seems from what I have read aqnd from the people I talk to not on those kind of fears but rather on religious grounds. That requires a very different kind of campaign.
"Children will be taught about gay marriage in school just like in Massachussettes."

READ: Gays are sodomites and we need to protect our children from knowledge of that sick, deviant behavior.

Nothing changed in 30 years.

Contrarian, extraordinaire