Originally Posted by loganrbt
Not meaning to quibble, but much of the opposition to equal rights for all, including the segment most directly affected in this thread, is itself an exercise in the very kind of alternative reality being broached here. There is no "there" in their bugaboo bag but they have fashioned a reality in which they think the whole matter of preference for others is something on which they need to legislate.
My point which began the thread drift is that here at RR - you're basically preaching to the choir. To pat onself on the back for pages of supportive prose doesn't change the minds of the voters who voted for legal discrimination and to change to the California Constitution.

Simply becuase support is on-going here at RR doesn't make it so "in the real world" nor at the ballot box. Support here doesn't translate to support outside of RR.

Contrarian, extraordinaire