Originally Posted by kap17
What happened to supporting Obama because he promissed to bring people together?

Sure, I don't agree with the viewes of that Pastor but he has the right to have those views. It is up to the Courts to make sure that no discriminatory laws are passed either by congress or voted in by the people.

Your bone to pick is not with the people that think gays should not be married... Your bone to pick should be with the California Supreme Court for allowing the proposition on the ballot in the first place.

I think Obama is showing that you can disagree with the views of a person and still work together with that person for the good of everyone.

Rubbish! It is up to each citizen, the legislature AND the courts to adhere to the Constitution. It is pure laziness to pass it off to the courts.

The California supreme Court had no legal basis for keeping the measure off the ballot. Can you provide one?

If this were anti-miscegenation law instead would you say the same thing? I would hope not.

There are thousands of preachers who could have been chosen. Why this one? Politics doesn't trump what is right. .. or does it.

Life is a banquet -- and most poor suckers are starving to death -- Auntie Mame
You are born naked and everything else is drag - RuPaul