Originally Posted by california rick
Originally Posted by Phil Hoskins
By his choice, Obama has signaled that Warren's position is acceptable.
Phil has a good point.
It would be a better point if it were true. Such an arbitrary statement carries no weight. Has anyone asked Mr. Obama if that is his intention, to "signal that Warren's position is acceptable"? If not, why not? Is it because it's easier to assume a point that strengthens the argument rather than risking the point being refuted?

Originally Posted by Phil Hoskins
You may think that is ok. But I invite you to consider what your opinion would be if Warren had said that Friends occupy the same position as gays. That he loves you but that you should never be allowed to marry. Until you put yourself in our shoes, you cannot possibly see this issue as it is.
Firstly, as I stated above, I do not think it's okay for you to assume what Mr. Obama "signaled" by choosing Pastor Warren. I don't agree that that is what he "signaled", I think it's been very clear from the beginning that he and Warren share the same position vis-a-vis the "M" word. Secondly, I did put myself in "your" shoes. In terms of my own relationship. Perhaps you had forgotten that.

Give us the wisdom to teach our children to love,
to respect and be kind to one another,
so that we may grow with peace in mind.

(Native American prayer)