Originally Posted by humphreysmar
I do, however, have a question about documentation for any scholarly types out there. I noticed that when Hofstadter reaches footnote number nine, the next footnote is one. I ran through two plas one-through-nines before page fifty. Now I was writing theses and stuff at the same time Hofstadter was working on this book. If I'd tried that, some professor would have, at a minimum, sent me back to the drawing board. Has anyone else ever run into this truly bizarre, IMHO, form of documentation?
Martha, my essential authority for all documentation things is the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition. It states in section 16.26, "Notes, whether footnotes or endnotes, should be number consecutively, beginning with 1, throughout each article or chapter--not throughout an entire book, unless the text has no internal divisions."

"To the intelligent man or woman, life appears infinitely mysterious. But the stupid have an answer for every question." - Edward Abbey