Originally Posted by Phil Hoskins
No one has contended otherwise Kap17 to my knowledge. But the same can be said for many groups which have sought equal treatment under the law, otherwise knows as "civil rights."

What was your point, that gays should settle for less because they suffered less?

The point is that people (like rick) shouldn't say things like "I can't believe that black people didn't vote against prop 8 when they themselves fought for civil rights not too long ago" like they're suppose to fight for civil rights for everyone because people fought for their civil rights.

It's kinda like saying "come on guys.... we got you all these rights 50 years ago.. why can't you vote for our rights".

That's how I see comments like the one made by Rick. I could be wrong but that's how I see it.

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The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. ~Jon Hammond