Originally Posted by stereoman
Originally Posted by kap17
It is up to the religions of the world to decide who they allow to marry.
I agree with your comment in principle, kap, but unfortunately in practice, the "rites" of marriage have been inextricably intertwined with the "rights" of marriage. I would like nothing more than to see the Constitutional guarantee of separation of Church and State strictly observed in the matter of marriage, and I hope that the issue of "gay marriage" will ultimately provide the catalyst for the Supremes to make such a declaration.

Until then, I acknowledge that same-gendered couples are being denied the same rights as different-gendered couples and that the proper way to address that is to afford the same validity in the eyes of the law to same-gendered couples no matter what religious institution their "rites" are performed in - or none.

While there are people like yourself that are willing to say "well, since civil unions are not the same as marriages and since I want equal rights for everyone then I guess we should allow everyone to marry" I'm not willing to accept that way. I'd rather partake in the long and costly fight to take the religious institution of marriage out of the political arena and have civil unions for everyone which give everone same rights.

Sure, the fight will be a lot longer and some people might say that I can afford to do that since I'm not gay and I don't plan on marrying anyone of my own gender... but tough luck. That's how I see it.

A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials. ~Chinese Proverb

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. ~Jon Hammond